hey whats goin on? hows things going up there in the north? is it still hot? well things here are going good they are starting to pick up alittle more after alot of hard work and alot of rejection they are starting to pick up. i could really see the importance of hard work and obedience. that is the only way the lord can really help us through our trails and help us find the people that he has in store for us each and every day. he has really helped me and my comp especially to realize his love for us. i am so greatful to be here although the thought goes through my head another day that i have to wake up and study and go to lunch and then to work. but i have to kick that out of my head and the lord helps me with that im really so greatful for his love for each one of us i know he is watching over all of us if he wasnt our lives would be alot harder than they are. well i dont have much time left. i better get going i hope you all are doing great and have a great week i love you all and pray for you daily have a good one talk to ya next week love ya.
elder warner